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Thursday, October 13, 2005 


Inching back away from a great danger
This mythical beast
Believing I might avoid inevitable wounds
Scars marking the path I've chosen
This is about basic human rights
This is about love (as everything is)
And I have gotten too close to danger

Tell me I amaze you
Tell me I am fierce
And watch me slink away into shadow
I will tell you I'm remarkable
I will scream out my pride
Yet watch me settle into truths
I wish I had the bravery to fight

This is the stuff of old John Hughes films
This is the stuff of angst and change
But I am a woman
Seeking the switch that will alter this reality
Seeking the ability to grasp
What I am told exists
What I suspect to be true
What I am terrified to get too close to
For fear that the beast lies quietly waiting
For fear that it is hungry and I am not meant to tame it
I remain suspicious, rational or no
That I am no more than a tasty snack

One of these days, we'll both find the switch and learn how to easily flip it on and off...

But you ARE a tasty snack. This is a powerful piece. Keep on.

jess - I'm loving this work you're doing!! And, I've taken your advice and I'm writing again.

Thank you so much for allowing me to inspire you so that you can inspire me (but it ALL started with the dogster)

Love you both!

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Yes Indeedy: untitled